The Miniature Pinscher is a lively and very energetic breed that requires a great deal of exercise. Miniature Pinschers are not for everyone, as they are very curious, strong willed, and frolicsome. Their owners must have a great sense of humor and a lot of patience. They are intensely curious and when tethered in a front yard will spend hours sitting up on their haunches to maximize their view and overcome their low height; they are adept at walking on their hind legs and will frequently do so when greeting familiar people. This breed truly does not see itself as a small breed. As such, it gets into trouble because a Miniature Pinscher will attack a much larger dog if it perceives a threat. Protective attitude and guard instincts are very strong in this breed. They can be one-owner dogs, or adapt greatly to families. The breed is very loyal and will alert their owner to any changes within the home environment.
Miniature Pinscher