Crawford Family
Pit BullOwner:
Spring Lake, North Carolina, United StatesPhone:
Email Crawford Family Our Blue Fawn Pit Bull "Lilly" Had 5 adorable puppies that need a good homeCrawford Family - Puppies for Sale
Crawford Family currently does not have any puppies for sale on PupLookUp.
Some more information about Crawford Family:
We have 5 Pit Bull puppies that are in need of a good loving, and caring home. The mother of the puppies is on site as she is our family dog. Her name is Lilly, she is a Blue Fawn Pit Bull. We do not have papers on her nor have we done a blood line. However, we are in the process of having the bloodline done and have been told by our vet that it will take up to 4 weeks for the results to come back. Once we have that information we will be more than happy to share that information with anyone who gives one of the puppies a home. The father of the puppies is not on site but is a Blue Fawn Pit Bull. We were watching him while the owners were on vacation and well here we are.
The puppies are 6wks and have been dewormed. We are also going to be giving the puppies their 6wk shots. They have been weened from the mama and are eating a mixture of wet dog food mixed with dry dog food. These puppies are indoor/outdoor pups. They have been spoiled with love and affection. They are very clean and well maintained.
We are not Breeders, we are not running a business or a Puppy Mill. Lilly is a family dog. She has a very good tempermate, great with kids, spoiled with lots of love and affection. She sleeps in the bed with our oldest son and loves to bathe in the sun. She is very good to her puppies and took very good care of them with very little help from us.
These puppies will make a great addition to any family!
The 1st photo is of our dog Lilly, the 2nd photo is the father.
Please feel free to contact us so that we can meet and you can see the puppies upclose!!