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monument kennels
Dogue de BordeauxOwner:
anglesey, United KingdomPhone:
Email monument kennels Storm is a Cascob bred dog with a very good pedigree,KC registered ,Hip score 12 and Ebows 0. He has know faults at all. He really is the real deal, siring big litters and outstanding pups. Tel me 01407 769834 anytimemonument kennels - Puppies for Sale
monument kennels currently does not have any puppies for sale on PupLookUp.
Some more information about monument kennels:
Storm is a Cascob bred dog with a very good pedigree,KC registered ,Hip score 12 and Ebows 0. He has know faults at all. He really is the real deal, siring big litters and outstanding pups. We can board your dog over night at know extra cost Stud Fee is £350 Tel me 01407 769834 anytime
Warning: When buying an animal, safely meet the seller in person. Never purchase an animal sight unseen.